Parish Office

Parish Office

  • How do I put an announcement in the bulletin?

    All bulletin announcements are welcome.  Call the HSCP Parish Office in Hartington: 402-254-6559 or email  Email is preferred so that the wording / graphics you desire can be used.

    The deadline is Noon on Mondays to ensure it can be included in the bulletin for that week.  Announcements received after noon on Mondays will need to be delayed until the following week’s bulletin.  

    Events directly related to our parishes and schools take priority, but other announcements are possible as room permits.  We do not add bulletin inserts, so one page size posters may need to be reduced in size.

  • How do I request Masses to be said for my loved ones?

    Use the Mass intention sheet to list the intentions you wish to ask for.  Return this to the HSCP Parish Office in Hartington: 402-254-6559 or email  These sheets can also be found in the back of each church or at the parish office.  Make checks payable to “Mass Fund”. There is no charge for a Mass intention. However, it is typical to make a donation to the priest who will celebrate the Mass. The recommended stipend in the Archdiocese of Omaha is $10 per intention, but the amount given is always at the discretion of the requester.

    Mass intentions are on a first come, first served basis as the calendar allows. Due to the number of intentions we receive, we will try to accommodate up to three intentions from each family who requests mass intentions.  We try to give each family an intention on a Sunday or Holyday Mass, and we will try to schedule the other two mass intentions on, or as close as possible, to the dates requested.  If more than three intentions are requested, they will be kept in our ledger and inserted into the calendar when we have an open Mass without an intention.  Masses remaining in the ledger by the time the calendar is full can be sent to the Missions or to other Priests in need of intentions for their Masses. No specific dates will be held for upcoming years.  The Mass Intention Book for the coming year is opened around August of the previous year.

    These Mass intention sheets may also be used to send mass intentions away to retired or missionary priests.  Checks payable to: Propagation of the Faith, 2222 N 111th Street, Omaha, NE 68164.

    Mass Intention Sheet
  • How do I obtain a baptismal record?

    In the Catholic Church an individual’s sacramental records are recorded at the parish where one was baptized. One’s baptismal record is needed when receiving further sacraments, like confirmation or marriage, at other parishes.  You may request a copy of your sacramental records by calling or e-mailing the HSCP Parish Office in Hartington: 402-254-6559

    Sacramental records can only be released to the following persons:

    • A person asking for their own records
    • A person asking for the records of their spouse
    • A parent asking for the records of their minor children
    • The Tribunal staff asking for records for annulment cases
  • How do I obtain genealogy information from church records?

    Catholic sacramental books are NOT available for viewing by the public.  Therefore direct genealogical research of sacramental books is not permissible, given that sacramental books contain private information.  It is possible for parish staff to find certain specific information from sacramental books for you, but this can only pertain to parties who have been deceased for eighty years or more.  We must keep private things private.

    Keep in mind that our office staff is not hired to do extensive genealogical research.  We are not a genealogical society, so we are unable to devote time to it as a first priority.  The kind of information often requested can take hours of searching through written records of multiple parishes and books. Sometimes people hire paid genealogists to accomplish such work for them, so if our staff ends up being able to do some of your research, it would be appropriate to make a donation to the parish involved.

    Apart from using our staff, we do have other resources you may find helpful.

    1. Cemetery Information:  We have eight cemeteries associated with our parish family.  Maps and directories of burials can be found on each cemetery webpage, as well as on location for some of them.  Another resource is the Find a Grave website and the Billiongraves website.  Billiongraves contains photographs of the gravestones in all of our cemeteries.  Here is a link to how to use the Billiongraves website or app.
    2. Parish History Books:  Each of our parishes have history books with information about each community.  Some of these books are available to view online, while others may be found in physical book form only.  Physical copies of our history books may be borrowed either by contacting the parish office or finding the books in the St. Frances Parish Library.
  • Can a priest visit me or a loved one at home or the hospital?

    Yes. If you or someone you know is homebound or hospitalized and would like a visit from a priest, please call the parish office to request this: 402-254-6553.

  • How do I become Catholic?

    Non-Catholic adults who are interested in learning about the Catholic faith and possibly being baptized or received into the full communion of the Catholic Church should contact Fr. Vogel to begin the preparation process. Ordinarily, this will require participation in the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) which begins in the fall and continues until the Easter Season. Use the link below to learn more about the process.  

    Contact: Fr. Vogel 402-337-0644

    Becoming Catholic

Holy Spirit Catholic Parishes Offices

If you are uncertain which office to contact, begin with the HSCP Main Office in Hartington.

HSCP Main Office

Regular office hours:

  • 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday
  • 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (Noon) on Friday

Contact for:

  • Bulletin, Mass Intentions, Sacramental Records, Baptisms, and more.

Office: 402-254-6559

Fax:   402-254-6553


HSCP Main Office, 406 South Broadway,

Hartington, NE 68739

Randolph Office

Regular office hours:

  • 9:00 a.m. - 5 p.m. Mondays & Thursdays

Contact for:

Phone: 402-337-0644

Randolph Office, 402 N. Bridge Street, Randolph, NE 68771

Ponca Office

Regular office hours:

  • 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 pm Tuesdays

Contact for:

Phone: 402-755-2773

Ponca Office, PO Box 898, Ponca, NE 68770

Osmond School Office

Office hours during the school year:

  • 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday

Contact for:

Phone: 402-748-3433

St. Mary's School Office, 302 East 5th Street, P.O. Box 427, Osmond, NE 68765

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