There are many different ways to join fellow parishioners in using your talents to serve God and others in Holy Spirit Catholic Parishes. Here you will find a brief description of the various ministries, apostolates, and prayer opportunities available in our parish. If you are interested in joining or helping out in a particular way, please contact the Parish Office or the contact person listed in the descriptions below. Each ministry/group is marked with which parishes are involved in each (All, HTH, SMC, SJFR, SMO, SPP, SJP, SPN).
Leadership Team
Family Pastoral Council
Stewardship Council
Safe Environment Training
Welcoming Committee
Christian Mothers
Council of Catholic Women
St. Mary's Guild
Altar Society
Sacred Heart Sodality
Catholic Daughters of America
Knights of Columbus
Catholic Order of Foresters
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Greeters, Gift Bearers and Ushers
Altar Servers
Music Ministers
Decorating Committee
Nursing Home & Shut-In Visitation
Funeral Committee
Eucharistic Adoration
Live Lent Together
Senior Prayer Ministry / Ministry of Praise
Prayer Chain
Small Groups
HSCP Ignite
School of Mission
Clear Path Training
Mentorship Program
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Pro-Life Group / Walking with Moms
Outreach Ministry
Annulment Sponsors
Bible Studies
Parish Library
Baptism Formation
Religious Education & Catechesis
Catholic School Volunteers
Youth Camps
Child Care
The leadership team is a small group of key leaders who help the pastor advance his vision for Holy Spirit Catholic Parishes. The pastor relies on this team to help him make and implement strategic decisions that will further the vision. The team ultimately shares responsibility for the success of a parish's mission with the pastor. The leadership team addresses practical, tactical questions related to structures, approaches to ministry, programming, use of resources, etc. that either further or hinder the realization of the vision. The team also assists the pastor with implementing its decisions. The Leadership Team is outlined by the Archdiocese of Omaha Pastoral Planning Template Guidelines, Appendix III. The leadership team meets with the pastor approximately biweekly. For more information about the leadership structure of HSCP go to the Leadership page.
Following the 2023 Journey of Faith pastoral planning, Holy Spirit Catholic Parishes falls under the Single Pastor Governance Model as outlined by the Archdiocese of Omaha Pastoral Planning Template Guidelines, Appendix II. This model was implemented to “ease the administrative workload and promote the mission at all parishes in the Family.” Holy Spirit Catholic Parishes therefore has a Family Pastoral Council with representation from all seven parishes and each of the three schools. For more information about the leadership structure of HSCP go to the Leadership page.
Each parish has a Stewardship Council which functions as a council of leaders in the parish to advise, collaborate, and cooperate with the Pastor. They work together to focus all the activities of the parish towards the mission of Evangelization. The Stewardship Council seeks to have in its membership parishioners who are skilled in the area finance and maintenance to help the pastor administer the temporal goods of the parish. The Council also include leaders from the School and Religious Formation, as well as the various parish groups and ministries. All in all, the Stewardship Council will help localize the missional thrust of parish life in cooperation with the Family Pastoral Council of the Holy Spirit Catholic Parishes. For more information about the leadership structure of HSCP go to the Leadership page.
Safe Environment training is required for anyone who works with children in our parishes in any capacity. This includes adult run activities with children helping, like KC fish fries or Right to Life breakfast. All school parents who assist with activities such as driving or volunteer coaches need to take the training. Anyone wishing to help keep our children sake may do so as well. Certification training is held frequently and re-certification can be done through the CMG Connect online system. Anyone can login to see the status of their certification. Email our Safe Environment Coordinator Cassie Gubbels to help you with initial training or help with renewing your certification. For more information about Safe Environment Policies go to the Archdiocesan Website.
To bring a sexual abuse complaint:
The Welcoming Committee strives to identify and welcome new Catholics to the community and to Holy Trinity. This committee helps newcomers find a home at Holy Trinity Parish by reaching out to them and providing the necessary information to get involved in the life of the parish.
Contact: Lois Lammers (402-841-5473) or the Parish Office (402-254-6559)
There are various women's groups in our seven parishes, depending upon the parish: Christian Mothers (HTH, SJFR, SMO), Council of Catholic Women (HTH, SJFR), Catholic Daughters (HTH), Ladies Guild (SMO), Altar Society (SMC, SJP, SPP), Sacred Heart Sodality (SPN).
The Christian Mothers is a national confraternity of women who recognize that mothers guide the destinies of their homes and children. The Christian Mothers strive to uphold the dignity and responsibility of women as wives and mothers and to assist mothers in the Christian formation of their children. This organization unites Christian women who are willing to support each other in creating the most Christian of homes.
The Council of Catholic Women (CCW) is a part of the Archdiocesan and National Councils of Catholic Women. Through its membership, it strives to empower and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service. The Council of Catholic Women helps to organize the women (and households) of the parish in order to animate the life of the parish.
St. Mary’s Guild is formed of the women of St. Mary’s Parish with 6 committees consisting of around 18 woman per committee. The Guild has officers that are in charge of the organization yearly who meet throughout the year. The Guild meets the needs of the parish by regularly taking care of cleaning the church and assisting with the yearly cleaning of the church, school and rectory either by volunteering their time or with a financial donation. They also serve funeral dinners for deceased members of the parish and help the families when needed. The Guild serves coffee and rolls on a monthly basis and sponsors our churches annual fall dinner. The committees also entertain monthly at the Osmond Care Center by either playing bingo, doing a craft or some kind of fun thing with the residents. They provide a small lunch when the activity is over. They have participated in the city wide rummage sales the past few years. The Guild also donates to those in need.
The women's groups at St. Michael, Coleridge, St. Joseph, Ponca, and St. Paul, Plainview is called the Altar Society.
The women's group at St. Peter, Newcastle is called the Sacred Heart Sodality.
The Catholic Daughters is one of the oldest and largest organizations of women in the Americas. This organization cultivates and celebrates a uniquely feminine spirituality. The Catholic Daughters enjoy each other’s company at monthly meetings, they pray together, and they strive to make our nation a better place by taking action on issues that affect women and children. They donate to charities, administer scholarships, and strive to be “helping hands” to those in need in the parish.
National Catholic Daughters of America
Within our parish family are three local Knights of Columbus councils which are part of the largest Catholic fraternal organization in the world. The order remains true to its founding principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. The Knights were founded to render financial aid to members and their families. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among its members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, and relief works.
Msgr Werner Council #1233 (HTH)
The Knights of Columbus Hall downtown is available to rent for special events by calling Chuck/Bev Feilmeier (402-640-2261).
For other Knights of Columbus activities: See the Knights of Columbus website, Facebook page or contact: Reggie Hochstein (402-640-3233).
St. Frances de Chantal Council #5143 (SJFR, SMO)
Contact Grand Knight: Bill Steffen (402-841-4100)
Gene Day Council #9939 (SJP, SPN)
Contact Grand Knight: Kevin Connot
Within our parish family are three local Catholic Order of Foresters courts, a Catholic fraternal benefit society dedicated to helping members achieve financial security through life insurance while supporting the Catholic community through fraternal outreach. Learn more at their National Website.
Bishop O'Connor Court #1304 (SJFR)
St. Joseph Court #1554 (SMO)
St. Paul Court #2500 (SPP)
Contact: Kelly Mauer at (402-582-4594) or email at
The Sunday liturgy is the “source and summit” of the life of a Catholic; therefore, we strive always to put forth our best efforts in carrying out the Church’s liturgy. There are a variety of ways individuals can put their talents at the service of the community to better enhance our Masses.
Contact the parish office (402-254-6559) if you are interested in any of the following ministries:
Lectors are trained by the Archdiocese to proclaim the word of God.
Online Archdiocesan Training videos Part 1, Part 2, Part 3. Contact the parish office, 402-254-6559. We’ll help you get registered.
In person with high school candidates Contact Lori Christensen, 402-841-9458
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are mandated by the Archdiocese to distribute Holy Communion.
Online Archdiocesan Training videos Part 1, Part 2, Part 3. Contact the parish office, 402-254-6559. We’ll help you get registered.
In person with high school candidates Contact Lori Christensen, 402-841-9458
EMHC Exposition and Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament: With a limited number of priests and deacons available to serve an increasing number of parishes across greater distances, the need for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to be trained to do simple exposition and reposition has grown. Here is a link to a document containing instructions for how approved EMHCs are to carry out this ministry within Holy Spirit Catholic Parishes. EMHCs must be approved by the pastor and instructed on how to carry out simple exposition and reposition before doing so.
Greeters, Gift Bearers and Ushers welcome the faithful as they arrive to church and help take up the collection during the Offertory. Some parishes have different persons fulfilling each role, while for other parishes greeter, ushers and gift bearers may be the same persons. View Job description.
Altar Servers assist the priest at the celebration of Mass and other liturgical events. Boys and girls are trained as altar servers in the fifth grade and continue to be scheduled at the various Masses until graduation from high school.
Cantors, Musicians, and the Choir enhance the experience of the liturgy through their musical leadership.
Videographers record the Mass so that it can be watched at a later time at the local nursing homes and care facilities. Recordings of the homily from these Masses can be found on the Bulletins and Homilies page.
This group strives to maintain contact with those members of our parish who are physically separated from the church community due to being homebound, especially during the winter months. Regular visits are planned so that those who cannot come to church are not forgotten as valuable members of the community. Those who are mandated as EMHCs are especially needed.
Perpetual Adoration without Exposition
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Live Lent Together is an initiative that equips parishioners to lead and join small groups for Lent. Each small group leader prays for and invites friends, neighbors, co-workers, or family members to gather for prayer and discussion with Scripture.
Download prayer materials for your small group.
As Christians we engage in intercessory prayer, praying for the needs of others. The prayer chain/line is a way to ask for a whole group of people to pray for your needs and those of others. Contact the person or persons below, associated with each parish. You are also welcome to join the prayer line to pray for others yourself by contacting the persons below.
Be sure to get permission from the person or family member if you are sharing names and situations with everyone on the prayer line.
HTH: The “Ministry of Praise” recognizes that power of prayer is an important and necessary part of parish life. Men and women who are age 55+ are invited to be active members in this intercessory ministry. There are no meetings to attend and no dues to collect. Members receive a prayer book and a monthly newsletter to help them in their particular ministry of praying for specific needs and intentions. To receive our monthly newsletter and become a part of this praying ministry, contact the Parish Office (402-254-6559).
SJFR: Parishioners are considered members when they attain the age of 70. Members receive a bi-monthly newsletter listing special prayer petitions for local and universal needs of the Church and parish. Prayer requests, bulletin listing, may be made through the Parish Office (402-337-0644).
Many other small groups exist within Holy Spirit Catholic Parishes. Most are formed organically among individuals. Here are a some examples you are welcome to participate in.
SPP: Every Friday 8:30 am, rosary in church proper with prayer study and coffee following in basement. Any and all are welcome!
HSCP Ignite is our plan for prayer and evangelization formation in our parish family. It is an outgrowth of the previous School of Mission program and Clear Path Training, fulfilling the need for going deeper in prayer as the sustenance for growing a culture of evangelization in our family of parishes.
The Mentorship Program equips lay people to confidently and fruitfully share their faith through friendship and deep investment in others. Training is practical and hands-on, teaching key habits and skills for intentional evangelization through individual accompaniment. Participants gain a common language and experience with likeminded leaders from across the Archdiocese.
Learn More.
Members of the Prayer Shawl Ministry care for those who are sick and suffering by making knitted shawls as gifts and by praying for them by name. Shawls are handmade and blessed. They are distributed by request. If you know of someone in need of comfort through the Prayer Shawl Ministry or would like to be part of this group, contact Joyce Gentrup (402-254-3271) or Laurie Kathol (402-254-3307).
Members of the Bereavement Committee reach out to those who have lost loved ones in order to assure them of their prayers and communion with them during their time of grief. Through simple gestures of concern and solidarity they strive to help their brothers and sisters in their moment of need.
Our Pro-Life Groups work to raise awareness of and promote the dignity of every human life, from conception until natural death. This is accomplished through a variety of ways: prayer, personal witness, promoting programs that build up family and community life, promoting and supporting moral legislation, providing educative materials, etc. They also incorporate the principles of Walking with Moms in Need, a nationwide, parish-based initiative to increase support for pregnant and parenting mothers in need. This initiative has the support and encouragement of Archbishop Lucas.
Other Pro-Life Organizations
Outreach Ministry helps those in need of financial and material assistance. It is involved in various programs including the Randolph Community Food Pantry, Advent Mitten Tree, Ash Wednesday Soup Supper, distributing emergency funds, etc.
Food Pantries
Other Organizations
Deacon Doug Tunink
Nancy Hartnett
Various bible study groups gather at different times of the year across Holy Spirit Catholic Parishes.
SPN: To participate in a prayer/scripture study/faith sharing group contact MaryAnn Kneifl 605-202-0090, Sherry Rolfes 402-640-5362, or Deacon Dennis 605-670-9958. We will try to create a group that fits your schedule.
Interested in becoming Catholic or know someone who is considering becoming Catholic, contact Fr. Vogel at Everyone is welcome to join us, including Catholics wishing to grow deeper in their understanding of the Catholic faith.
At St. Jane Frances Church, Randolph, there is a Lending Library, located under the choir stairs, that is always open and all resources are available to anyone who can use them. No fees or fines. Resources include books and videos on a variety of religious topics.
The Baptismal Preparation program is for any family who is going to have their first child. You don't have to wait until your child is born to take the baptism class. Call the Parish Office (402-254-6559). Classes are run by Deacon Doug Tunink.
For detailed information about our religious education programs or to learn how to assist as a catechist, so to our Religious Education page.
Catholic Schools rely on the help and support of many volunteers throughout the year.
Holy Trinity and Cedar Catholic, Hartington
At Holy Trinity Preschool, Holy Trinity Elementary, and Cedar Catholic Jr.-Sr. High School volunteers work as teacher aides, library assistants, office aides, chaperones, etc.
For Holy Trinity Preschool and Elementary contact: Stacy Uttecht (402-254-6496)
For Cedar Catholic contact: Dan Hoesing (402-254-3906)
St. Mary, Osmond
SMARTS (St. Mary’s Association Representing Teachers and Students) are the parents of the students attending St. Mary’s School. We volunteer to help the teachers, staff and students out whenever possible. We invite you to be an active part of this group and support our teachers in the great job they are doing with our children. Grandparents and parishioners are also welcome to join. If you are interested you may contact a school parent.
Holy Spirit Catholic Parishes offers a variety of summer opportunities for our young people to experience and grow in their faith. In June, the incoming Freshman of the parish family spend several days on retreat together at Holy Spirit Camp at Tintern Retreat Center. A follow-up camp is held each spring as a way to reconnect these youth with the faith they explored during the summer.
Contact: John & Jennifer Kleinschmit (402-316-6107)
Holy Spirit Camp 2024 Video
Holy Trinity Early Learning Center is quality faith-based childcare. We are excited to announce that we plan on opening Holy Trinity Early Learning Center in August 2024. For more information and to join a
wait list use this link.
Office: 402-254-6559
Fax: 402-254-6553
406 South Broadway, PO Box 278
Hartington, NE 68739