The Thresholds of Conversion and Discipleship helps us to consider in general where any individual person may be in the relationship with Jesus. Someone may be anywhere from having little trust in God or his Church, all the way to being a committed and fruitful missionary disciple. Depending upon where a person may be, what they need to move along the clear path of discipleship will look different. Sometimes we fail in our evangelization efforts because we fail to meet the person where they are and bring them along the path of discipleship. For example, if someone is just beginning in trust, they may not be ready yet to make a decision to follow Jesus, and certainly not yet ready to learn about how to equip others to be disciples. The following diagram gives the general threshold a disciple of Christ will move through. NB: These are not hard categories that we must put a person within, but rather categories to help us reflect on what a person may need based on our relationship with them.
The Thresholds of Conversion & Discipleship is adapted by the Archdiocese of Omaha from Forming Intentional Disciples by Sherry Weddell (Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division, 2012)
and The Discipleship Roadmap by The Fellowship of Catholic University Students.
These thresholds line up with the four part Clear Path to Discipleship.
The Clear Path to Discipleship is a parish framework designed to help both new and experienced parishioners take the next step in their formation as missionary disciples of Jesus. This effort acknowledges the importance of ongoing formation and of the dynamism of the Holy Spirit offered to individuals and to the community. Return to the Clear Path to Discipleship page to learn about each of these four parts
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